Server Configuration

The AnimatedLEDStrip server can be configured via the command line and/or with a config file.

Command Line Options

  • --log-level [error|warn|info|debug|verbose] - Set the minimum severity level for logs that will be printed
  • -f, --config FILE - Specify a config to load instead of /etc/leds/led.config
  • --persist - Persist animations across restarts
  • --nopersist - Don’t persist animations across restarts (overrides –persist and persist=true in config)
  • -n, --numleds NUM - Specify number of LEDs in the strip (default 240)
  • -p, --pin PIN - Specify the pin number the LED strip is connected to (default 12)
  • --render-delay DELAY - Specify the time in milliseconds between renders of the LED strip (default 10)
  • --log-renders - Enable strip color logging
  • --log-file - Specify the output file name for strip color logging
  • --log-render-count - Specify number of renders between saves to log file (default 1000)
  • -1, --1d - Support one-dimensional animations
  • --no1d - Don’t support one-dimensional animations
  • -2, --2d - Support two-dimensional animations
  • --no2d - Don’t support two-dimensional animations
  • -3, --3d - Support three-dimensional animations
  • --no3d - Don’t support three-dimensional animations

led.config Options

Command line arguments always take priority over the config file.


The minimum severity level for logs can be set using log-level=[error|warn|info|debug|verbose].


The server will persist animations across restarts if persist is set to true using persist=true. The default is false.


The number of LEDs in the strip can be set using numLEDs=#. The default is 240 LEDs.


The pin can be set using pin=#. The default is pin 12.


The time in milliseconds between renders of the LED strip can be set with render-delay=#. The default is 10 milliseconds.


Enable strip color logging with log-renders=true.


The output file name for strip color logging can be set with log-file=name.


The number of renders between saves to log file can be set using log-render-count=#. The default is 1000 renders.


One-dimensional animation support can be enabled with 1d=true. The default is true.


Two-dimensional animation support can be enabled with 2d=true. The default is false.


Three-dimensional animation support can be enabled with 3d=true. The default is false.