
Animation Info

Quality Value
name Ripple
abbr RPL
runCount default Endless
minimum colors 1
unlimited colors false
Parameter Type Default Value Description
interMovementDelay Int 30 Delay between movements in the animation
interAnimationDelay Int 500 Time between start of one animation and start of the next
movementPerIteration Double 1.0 How far to move during each iteration of the animation
center Location Center of all pixels The center of the ripple
distance Distance 100.0%, 100.0%, 100.0% How far the ripple should travel


Starts at a center point and travels in a sphere (or circle or two points) away from that center, setting LEDs that then fade back. Does not wait for the ripple to complete before starting the next, only waiting interAnimationDelay milliseconds.

Animation Signature

One Dimensional

Ripple Signature

Two Dimensional

Ripple 2D Signature