Color Functions
Setting Colors
There are four colors associated with each pixel, three of which can be set directly (see Pixel Colors). Each color type (Fade
, Prolonged
, Temporary
) can be set for one or multiple pixels. Each function is an extension for AnimationManager
, SectionManager
, and LEDStrip
takes a pixel index and a color. - Fade, Prolonged, Temporary
takes a list of pixel indices or an IntRange
of pixel indices and a color - Fade, Prolonged, Temporary
There are also functions for reverting pixel(s) (removing any temporary color set). One pixel or multiple pixels can be reverted at once.
The color of the full strip (or section that the animation is running in) can be set with setStrip<type>Color
- Fade, Prolonged, Temporary
will remove all colors set to all pixels in the strip (or section).
Getting Colors
There are four colors associated with each pixel (see Pixel Colors). Each color type (Actual
, Fade
, Prolonged
, Temporary
) can be retrieved for one or all pixels. Each function is an extension for AnimationManager
, SectionManager
, and LEDStrip
instances. Each property is an extension for LEDStripColorManager
, LEDStrip
, and SectionManager
returns the color set for the specified pixel - Actual, Fade, Prolonged, Temporary
Each function has a nullable counterpart named getPixel<type>ColorOrNull
- Actual, Fade, Prolonged, Temporary
The colors of all pixels in the strip (or section) can be retrieved with the pixel<type>ColorList
properties - Actual, Fade, Prolonged, Temporary