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AnimatedLEDStrip Client Library for Go

This library allows a Go client to communicate with an AnimatedLEDStrip server.

Using the Library in a Project

The library can be downloaded with:

go get

Creating an ALSHttpClient

A new client is created with ALSHttpClient(ipAddress).

import als ""

client := als.ALSHttpClient("")

Communicating with the Server

This library follows the conventions laid out for AnimatedLEDStrip client libraries, with the following modifications:

  • Function names and struct variables are capitalized because of how Go denotes exported identifiers
  • DegreesRotation and RadiansRotation are constructors for the rotation struct, which uses the RotationType variable to track which type it is
  • AbsoluteDistance and PercentDistance are constructors for the distance struct, which uses the DistanceType variable to track which type it is
  • ColorContainer and PreparedColorContainer have a ContainerType variable that works similarly to above, though the structs are different
  • The colors parameter for an AnimationToRunParams struct only accepts ColorContainers
  • The default parameter for an AnimationParameter hasn’t been figured out yet