Currently, client libraries are written for the following languages:

Creating a New Client Library

This is an overview of what should be included in the client library, such as:

  • Classes that should be created
  • HTTP Endpoints to communicate with

All client libraries should follow this format, though small variations are expected because not every language works the same.


Because some classes use other classes, the optimal creation order would be:

  • AbsoluteDistance, PercentDistance
  • DegreesRotation, RadiansRotation
  • Equation, Location
  • ColorContainer, PreparedColorContainer
  • AnimationToRunParams, RunningAnimationParams
  • AnimationParameter
  • AnimationInfo
  • NewAnimationGroupInfo
  • StripInfo
  • Section


Parameter Type Default
x Double 0.0
y Double 0.0
z Double 0.0


Parameter Type Default
name String ""
abbr String ""
description String ""
runCountDefault Int 0
minimumColors Int 0
unlimitedColors Boolean false
dimensionality Set<String> setOf()
intParams List<AnimationParameter<Int>> listOf()
doubleParams List<AnimationParameter<Double>> listOf()
stringParams List<AnimationParameter<String>> listOf()
locationParams List<AnimationParameter<Location>> listOf()
distanceParams List<AnimationParameter<AbsoluteDistance/PercentDistance>> listOf()
rotationParams List<AnimationParameter<DegreesRotation/RadiansRotation>> listOf()
equationParams List<AnimationParameter<Equation>> listOf()


Parameter Type Default
name String ""
description String ""
default T? null


Parameter Type Default
animation String ""
colors List<ColorContainer/PreparedColorContainer> listOf()
id String ""
section String ""
runCount Int 0
intParams Map<String, Int> mapOf()
doubleParams Map<String, Double> mapOf()
stringParams Map<String, String> mapOf()
locationParams Map<String, Location> mapOf()
distanceParams Map<String, AbsoluteDistance/PercentDistance> mapOf()
rotationParams Map<String, DegreesRotation/RadiansRotation> mapOf()
equationParams Map<String, Equation> mapOf()


Parameter Type Default
colors List<Int> listOf()


Parameter Type Default
xRotation Double 0.0
yRotation Double 0.0
zRotation Double 0.0
rotationOrder List<String> listOf("ROTATE_Z", "ROTATE_X"


Parameter Type Default
coefficients List<Int> listOf()


Parameter Type Default
x Double 0.0
y Double 0.0
z Double 0.0


Parameter Type
groupType String
groupInfo AnimationInfo
animationList List<String>


Parameter Type
colors List<int>
originalColors List<int>


Parameter Type Default
xRotation Double 0.0
yRotation Double 0.0
zRotation Double 0.0
rotationOrder List<String> listOf("ROTATE_Z", "ROTATE_X")


Parameter Type Default
animationName String ""
colors List<PreparedColorContainer>  
id String ""
section String ""
runCount Int 0
intParams Map<String, Int> mapOf()
doubleParams Map<String, Double> mapOf()
stringParams Map<String, String> mapOf()
locationParams Map<String, Location> mapOf()
distanceParams Map<String, AbsoluteDistance> mapOf()
rotationParams Map<String, RadiansRotation> mapOf()
equationParams Map<String, Equation> mapOf()
sourceParams AnimationToRunParams  


Parameter Type Default
numLEDs Int 0
pin Int? null
renderDelay Int 10
isRenderLoggingEnabled Boolean false
renderLogFile String ""
rendersBetweenLogSaves Int 1000
is1DSupported Boolean true
is2DSupported Boolean false
is3DSupported Boolean false
ledLocations List<Location> listOf()


Parameter Type Default
name String ""
pixels List<Int> listOf()
parentSectionName String ""

HTTP Endpoints

Method Endpoint Function Parameter Return
GET /animation/{name} getAnimationInfo String AnimationInfo
GET /animations getSupportedAnimations   List<AnimationInfo>
GET /animations/map getSupportedAnimationsMap   Map<String, AnimationInfo>
GET /animations/names getSupportedAnimationsNames   List<String>
POST /animations/newGroup createNewGroup NewAnimationGroupInfo AnimationInfo
GET /running getRunningAnimations   Map<String, RunningAnimationParams>
GET /running/ids getRunningAnimationsIds   List<String>
GET /running/{id} getRunningAnimationParams String RunningAnimationParams
DELETE /running/{id} endAnimation String RunningAnimationParams
GET /section/{name} getSection String Section
GET /sections getSections   List<Section>
POST /sections createNewSection Section Section
GET /sections/map getSectionsMap   Map<String, Section>
POST /start startAnimation AnimationToRunParams RunningAnimationParams
POST /strip/clear clearStrip   void
GET /strip/color getCurrentStripColor   List<int>
GET /strip/info getStripInfo   StripInfo
Additional Functions
Function Parameter Operation
endAnimation or endAnimationFromParams RunningAnimationParams calls endAnimation with
getFullStripSection   calls getSection with "fullStrip"

Table of contents