Smooth Chase

Animation Info

Quality Value
name Smooth Chase
abbr SCH
runCount default Endless
minimum colors 1
unlimited colors false
Parameter Type Default Value Description
interMovementDelay Int 10 Delay between movements in the animation
movementPerIteration Double 1.0 How far to move along the X axis during each iteration of the animation
maximumInfluence Double 0.9 How far away from the line a pixel can be affected
offset Distance 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Offset of the line in the XYZ directions
rotation Rotation 0.0 rad, 0.0 rad, 0.0 rad, [ROTATE_Z, ROTATE_X] Rotation of the line around the XYZ axes
lineEquation Equation 0x⁰ The equation representing the line the the pixel will follow


Each pixel is set to its respective color in colors[0]. Then, if the direction is Direction.FORWARD, each pixel is set to colors[0][i + 1], then colors[0][i + 2], etc. to create the illusion that the animation is ‘moving’. If the direction is Direction.BACKWARD, the same happens but with indices i, i-1, i-2, etc. Works best with a ColorContainer with multiple colors.

Animation Signature

One Dimensional

Smooth Chase Signature

Two Dimensional

Smooth Chase 2D Signature