Animation Manager
Represents an instance that can run animations on a specific section of a strip
The CoroutineScope
all animations managed by this instance will run in
The number of LEDs in the section that corresponds with this animation manager
A list of all valid indices for the section that corresponds with this animation manager
Tracks the currently running animations managed by this instance
The section associated with this instance
Clear the strip/section (set all pixels to 0)
End a currently running animation
Group pixels into groups spaced apart by groupSpacing based on their location along the X axis and distance from a line after an offset and a rotation are performed
Group pixels based on their location along the X axis and distance from a line after an offset and a rotation are performed
Group pixels based on their distance from a central point.
Group pixels based on their location along the X axis after a transformation is performed.
Iterate over each pixel, performing operation on each index
Iterate over each pixel in reverse, performing operation on each index
Revert a pixel's color (reset its temporary color)
Revert multiple pixels' color (reset their temporary colors)
Run a new subanimation in a child coroutine
Run many new subanimations in child coroutines and wait for all to complete before returning
Run a new animation in a child coroutine and wait for it to complete before returning
Set a pixel's temporary color and revert (reset its temporary color) after a delay
Set a pixel's fade color
Set multiple pixels' fade color
Set a pixel's prolonged color
Set multiple pixels' prolonged color
Set a pixel's temporary color
Set multiple pixels' temporary color
Set the strip's/section's fade color
Set the strip's/section's prolonged color
Set the strip's/section's temporary color
Shift a pixel in the sortablePixels list from the from index to the to index, showing the movement on the strip
Start running a new animation
Sets the color of the pixel at index with the appropriate color in sortablePixels