
class PreparedColorContainer(val colors: List<Int>, val originalColors: List<Int> = listOf()) : ColorContainerInterface

A set of colors ready for use with a LED strip. Colors blend from one to the next along the length of the strip.

See also


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constructor(colors: List<Int>, originalColors: List<Int> = listOf())


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open override val color: Int

Override for color that only returns 0

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open override val colors: List<Int>

The List of colors in this PreparedColorContainer

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The colors that were used to prepare this PreparedColorContainer

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val size: Int


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operator fun contains(value: Int): Boolean

Checks if the specified color is in colors

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Compares this PreparedColorContainer against another ColorContainer or an Int. If other is a ColorContainer, the originalColors parameter is compared to the originalColors parameter. If other is a PreparedColorContainer, the originalColors parameters are compared. If other is an Int, the color parameter is compared to the Int.

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operator fun get(index: Int): Int

Get the color in colors at the specified index. Checks if index is a valid index of colors and if so, returns the color stored there, if not, returns 0 (black).

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Returns a new ColorContainer with the same colors as this instance, but inverted.

Returns a new ColorContainer with the same colors as this instance, inverted, but only including the ranges of indices specified.

Returns a new ColorContainer with the same colors as this instance, inverted, but only including the indices specified.

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Report whether colors is empty

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Report whether colors is not empty

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operator fun iterator(): Iterator<Int>
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open override fun prepare(numLEDs: Int): PreparedColorContainer

If this PreparedColorContainer is the correct size, return this instance, otherwise a new instance of the correct size

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Create a PreparedColorContainer with the same colors as this PreparedColorContainer, shifted by offset. The color at index 0 will be moved to index offset. Negative offsets and offsets that are larger than the size of colors are supported.

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fun ColorContainerInterface.shuffledWithIndices(): List<<Error class: unknown class><Int, Int>>
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open override fun toColorContainer(): ColorContainer
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open override fun toString(): String

Create a string representation of this PreparedColorContainer. The hexadecimal representation of each color in colors is listed in comma delimited format, between brackets [&].

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Operator overload that returns a new ColorContainer containing the inverse of the colors in this ColorContainer.