Animation To Run Params
Describes the properties of an animation to run
The list of ColorContainers to use
A map of Distance parameters for the animation
A map of double parameters for the animation
A map of Equation parameters for the animation
A map of integer parameters for the animation
A map of Location parameters for the animation
A map of Rotation parameters for the animation
The id of the section of the strip that will be running the whole animation (not necessarily the section running this animation, such as if this is a subanimation). This is the section that ColorContainer blend preparation will be based upon. An empty string means the whole strip.
A map of string parameters for the animation
Append a color to the end of colors
Append multiple colors to the end of colors
Sets the animation
Set a color using a ColorContainer, hex String, or Int or Long in range(0..0xFFFFFF), along with the index of the color
Set colors[0]
Set colors[1]
Set colors[2]
Set colors[3]
Set colors[4]
Set the id
Prepare the animation parameters for running the animation. Prepares colors, replaces values with defaults when necessary.
Set the section