Package-level declarations
Represents an instance that can run animations on a specific section of a strip
Describes the properties of an animation to run
Communicates that an animation should end or is ending
Manages animations running on the entire strip and is the parent manager to all animations
A list of PixelsToModify for an animation. A separate class was created so it can be saved in a map without worrying about type erasure and so the PixelsToModify instances can be created easily.
Contains lists of pixels so the animation knows what pixels to set and revert during this iteration.
Tracks a currently running animation
Describes the properties of a currently running animation
Append a color to the end of colors
Append multiple colors to the end of colors
Add a new animation to the list of supported animations
Add a new animation group to the list of supported animations
Sets the animation
Set a color using a ColorContainer, hex String, or Int or Long in range(0..0xFFFFFF), along with the index of the color
Set colors[0]
Set colors[1]
Set colors[2]
Set colors[3]
Set colors[4]
End a currently running animation
Set the id
Iterate over indices given in a list
Iterate over a range of indices
Iterate over each pixel, performing operation on each index
Iterate over each pixel in reverse, performing operation on each index
Remove whitespace from a String
Run a new subanimation in a child coroutine
Run many new subanimations in child coroutines and wait for all to complete before returning
Run a new animation in a child coroutine and wait for it to complete before returning
Set the section
Start running a new animation