Package-level declarations


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abstract class Animation

Represents an animation that can be run

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data class AnimationParameter<T>(val name: String, val description: String, val default: T?)
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class DefinedAnimation(val info: Animation.AnimationInfo, val animation: suspend (AnimationManager, RunningAnimationParams, <Error class: unknown class>) -> Unit) : Animation

An animation that is defined in the library and compiled into the jar

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data class SortablePixel(val finalLocation: Int, val currentLocation: Int, val color: Int)

Tracks the final location, current location, and color of a 'pixel' being sorted


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fun AnimationManager.shiftPixel(from: Int, to: Int, sortablePixels: MutableList<SortablePixel>)

Shift a pixel in the sortablePixels list from the from index to the to index, showing the movement on the strip

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Convert a list of SortablePixels to a PreparedColorContainer that can be used to set the strip color before the sorting begins

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Sets the color of the pixel at index with the appropriate color in sortablePixels