Package-level declarations
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fun AnimationManager.groupGroupsOfPixelsAlongLine(line: Equation, rotation: RadiansRotation, offset: AbsoluteDistance, influenceDistance: Double, movementPerIteration: Double, groupSpacing: Double): PixelModificationLists
Group pixels into groups spaced apart by groupSpacing based on their location along the X axis and distance from a line after an offset and a rotation are performed
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fun AnimationManager.groupPixelsAlongLine(line: Equation, rotation: RadiansRotation, offset: AbsoluteDistance, influenceDistance: Double, movementPerIteration: Double): PixelModificationLists
Group pixels based on their location along the X axis and distance from a line after an offset and a rotation are performed
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fun AnimationManager.groupPixelsByDistance(center: Location, maximumDistance: AbsoluteDistance, movementPerIteration: Double): PixelModificationLists
Group pixels based on their distance from a central point.
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fun AnimationManager.groupPixelsByXLocation(offset: AbsoluteDistance, rotation: RadiansRotation, movementPerIteration: Double): PixelModificationLists
Group pixels based on their location along the X axis after a transformation is performed.
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Transform a location of a pixel with an offset and rotation around axes.
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fun List<Location>.transformLocations(offset: AbsoluteDistance, rotation: RadiansRotation): List<Location>