Package-level declarations
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Manages the managers that manage all aspects of the strip, from animations to sending colors to the strip to sections of the strip, etc.
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expect class LEDStripRenderer(ledStrip: NativeLEDStrip, stripColorManager: LEDStripColorManager, renderDelay: Long)
Manages rendering the colors on the strip
actual class LEDStripRenderer(val ledStrip: NativeLEDStrip, val stripColorManager: LEDStripColorManager, val renderDelay: Long)
Manages rendering the colors on the strip
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interface NativeLEDStrip
Interface defining what is needed from a native LED strip class.
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data class StripInfo(val numLEDs: Int = 0, val pin: Int? = null, val brightness: Int = 255, val renderDelay: Long = 10, val isRenderLoggingEnabled: Boolean = false, val renderLogFile: String? = null, val rendersBetweenLogSaves: Int = 1000, val is1DSupported: Boolean = true, val is2DSupported: Boolean = false, val is3DSupported: Boolean = false, val ledLocations: List<Location>? = null) : SendableData
Data class for setting properties of a LED strip. (Done this way to simplify device libraries so they don't break if more properties are added)